We currently are recruiting for new LUL and Crossrail projects; Project management engineering and comms/electrical installers.- - -

Eurocom Ltd.

Communications Project Engineering


Over the past 25 Years, Eurocom Ltd has established itself as a leading Project Services Company with particular emphasis on Communication Engineering Services.

Through a number of high profile projects the company has delivered high quality Project Management, Engineering and Communications Installation and Commissioning. Eurocom is also recognised as a leader on Communication Equipment Assets on the London Underground Network.

Since 1988, Eurocom, its Management and Engineers, have built up considerable expertise in an industry which, rightly demands the very highest standards. It is this expertise that is executed in a professional, accountable and safe manner which is now benefiting our existing clients.

We believe our Clients value Eurocom because we are able to understand and satisfy their primary concerns.


* ***** Scheduled work completed on time, in a manner prescribed and recorded as such.



* ***** The ability of Project Management and Engineers to respond to the demands of the * *8888**Project through its duration.

* ***** Prioritising without prejudice.



****** The cost effectiveness of our project teams and resulting benefits to the bottom line.


Cert No- OHS 92341

ISO9001-2008 Cert-FM77241

Membership No.094309


Check out our new Website Click Here to view>

Also worth a visit is the Website for our Joint Venture with Mainframe Ltd - Transcom Projects.

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